iconic digital arthropods animals for sale

It's a well-known scientific fact that bugs rule the world, outnumbering all us puny humans by nearly 200 million to one.  So to prevent a global takeover by things that creep and crawl across our planet, we occasionally need to pay respect to our insectoid friends by including them in our geeky pursuits.

Artist and illustrator Richard Wilkinson was first featured on last year with his cool collection of beautiful bugs transformed into Star Wars characters via digital paintings. It's all been part of a special project he's been indulging in these past few years called 

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 is based on famous horror movie icons and we've got the creator himself to dissect these enticing entymological creations, which are depicted in a classic form complete with clever Latin-based scientific names.

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Wilkinson's project was born out of a love for Natural History Illustration and for the great historical process of discovering, collecting, collating, naming and cataloging. 

"I also loved the artistic practice of representing the details and surfaces and textures of Natural History - especially of bugs, " Wilkinson tells WIRE. "It occurred to me I could apply the same scientific and artistic process to the things we love from popular culture and I would get to indulge my love of the look of these creatures by turning each icon of pop culture into some sort of hybrid creature!"

"Then I sketch out an idea in colour on my ipad and then add to it in photoshop until it looks right, " he explains. "I want to try to find the balance of recognition where you don’t see it immediately, but when you do you can’t unsee it. I find that moment really satisfying for some reason! It’s all digital painting at the moment. I’m playing around with gouache and watercolour a bit because I'd really like to get that authentic look of traditional illustration, but at the moment I’m enjoying producing them with digital brushes."Examples of arthropods include insects such as flies, bees, beetles, and ants; crustaceans such as barnacles, crabs, lobsters and krill; myriapods such as centipedes and millipedes; arachnids such as spiders, scorpions and camel spiders, and extinct animals such as trilobites.

Amazon.com: Evolution Of The Insects (cambridge Evolution Series): 9780521821490: Grimaldi, David, Engel, Michael S.: Books

Below is a list examples of arthropods from major groups. Click on a group name / image for information on a particular arthropod, or continue scrolling to browse all of the animals.

Three of the largest and best-known arthropod groups are Insecta (insects), Crustacea (crustaceans) and Arachnida (arachnids). You can find out more about these groups on the following pages:

Arthropods are invertebrate animals belonging to the phylum* Arthropoda. Arthropoda is the largest single group of living animals; over 80% of all known living animal species are arthropods.

Arthropods Facts & Worksheets

Characteristics of arthropods include: a segmented body, jointed limbs (the word “Arthropoda” means “jointed feet”) and an exoskeleton. An arthropod has to regularly shed its exoskeleton in order to grow – a process known as molting (moulting in British English).

The segments of an arthropod’s body are divided into sections called tagmata. Arthropods such as insects have three tagmata: a head, thorax and abdomen.

* A phylum is a group into which species are categorized. A phylum is a sub-group of a kingdom (such as the animal kingdom), and itself can be divided into increasingly smaller groups such as classes, orders and families).

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The subphylum Chelicerata is one of the main arthropod groups. It includes arthropods such as sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, and one of the best-known of all arthropod classes: Arachnida, which is home to arachnids such as spiders, scorpions and camel spiders.

Chelicerates, like all arthropods, have segmented bodies, and the body segments of chelicerates are divided into two main sections, or “tagmata”: the prosoma, which includes the head and thorax, and the opisthosoma, or abdomen, which contains the heart and respiratory organs (gills for aquatic species; lungs for terrestrial species).

Members of the arachnid order Opiliones are known as “harvestmen”. 6, 676 species of harvestmen are currently recognized. (source) Harvestmen are found on every continent except Alaska.

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Harvestmen are often mistaken for spiders due to their long legs and relatively small bodies. Unlike spiders, however, the bodies of harvestmen lack a clear “waist” separating the prosoma (combined head and middle section) from the abdomen.

Other differences between harvestmen and spiders include: legs that are usually noticeably longer and thinner than those of spiders, and the lack of both venom glands and silk glands.

There are four living species of horseshoe crab: the Atlantic horseshoe crab (also known as the American horseshoe crab, which is found on the American Atlantic coast and in the Gulf of Mexico; and three Asian species: the Indo-Pacific horseshoe crab (also known as the Indonesian, Indian or southern horseshoe crab); Chinese horseshoe crab (also known as the Japanese, or tri-spine horseshoe crab) and the Mangrove horseshoe crab.

Arthropods Examples: Examples Of Arthropods From Around The World - Iconic Digital Arthropods Animals For Sale

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There is very little difference between the horseshoe crabs of today and those that inhabited the world’s oceans and beaches 300 million years ago.

Mites are a group of very small (many are microscopic) arachnids. The 20, 000+ mite species are split between two orders: Acariformes and Parasitiformes.

Some mites are parasites, living on or in the bodies of other animals to the detriment of their hosts, while others play important roles in the ecosystem as decomposers, breaking down organic matter.

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Scorpions are arachnids in the order Scorpiones. Scorpions have eight legs, and can be differentiated from other arachnids by their pedipalps, which take the form of large pincers, and by their extended tails, which are equipped with a venomous stinger.

Out of the 2, 684 currently recognized scorpion species (source), only a very small percentage are capable of inflicting a sting lethal to a healthy adult human. Even a sting from a deathstalker scorpion – one of the most dangerous scorpion species – is rarely fatal, especially if medical treatment is available.

Sea spiders are marine arthropods found in oceans all around the world. Most are predatory bottom-dwellers that feed on invertebrates such as corals and sponges.

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Sea spiders have eight long legs, and very small bodies. Most species are small, with a leg span of just a few millimeters, but some species are much larger, with leg spans of up to 70 cm.

Despite the name, sea spiders are not spiders, and in fact aren’t arachnids at all. A growing number of scientists don’t even place sea spiders in Chelicerata, believing that sea spiders branched off from other arthropods early on in the group’s existence.

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There are almost 50, 000 recognized spider species. Together, they make up the order Araneae. There are more spiders than any other type of arachnid, and only six orders in the entire animal kingdom contain a greater number of species than Araneae.

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A spider has eight legs, and its body consists of two main parts: the cephalothorax and opisthosoma (abdomen). The chelicerae (jaws) of a spider have venomous fangs, and silk-producing spinnerets are located on a spider’s abdomen. Using their spinnerets, many spiders are able to build webs.

Ticks are parasitic arachnids that gain nourishment by drinking the blood of host animals. 867 tick species are listed in the Catalogue of Life. (source)

Whip scorpions are a group of arachnids that resemble scorpions but lack the stinging tail of their namesakes. Instead, they have a long, whip-like tail, from which they get their name. Their pedipalps are shorter and sturdier than those of scorpions.

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Although whip scorpions lack the venomous sting of a scorpion, they are able to spray potential predators with a noxious chemical from glands at the base of the tail. The chemical, which smells of vinegar, gives the arachnids their alternative name of vinegaroons.

The subphylum Myriapoda is an arthropod group that is home to centipedes, millipedes, and related animals. This ancient group first appears in the fossil record in the Early Devonian period, making it at least 414 million years old.

Centipedes are predatory arthropods with long, segmented bodies. Each segment has one pair of legs (unlike those of millipedes, which have two pairs of legs).

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Found on all continents except Antarctica, centipedes equipped with venomous, fang-like pincers known as forcipules. Some centipedes are capable of giving an excruciatingly painful bite.

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Although the word “centipede” is derived from the Latin for one hundred feet, no centipede has exactly 100 feet; the number of pairs of feet a centipede has is always odd. Some centipedes have just 15 pairs of legs.

Unlike centipedes, millipedes are not venomous, and only a minority are predatory. Most millipedes are detrivores, feeding on decaying vegetation and other organic matter.

What Are Arthropods?

Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body segment, unlike centipedes, who have only a single pair per segment. Millipedes are usually much slower-moving than centipedes.

Pancrustacea is a group of arthropods that contains all crustaceans and hexapods (including insects). Recent molecular data suggests that hexapods evolved from crustaceans, meaning that insects (which are hexapods) are more closely related to animals such as crabs than they are to myriapods such as millipedes and centipedes.

Crustacea is a group of arthropods that includes decapods (animals such as crabs, lobsters and crayfish), barnacles, krill, and a variety of related animals. Nearly all crustaceans live in marine habitats, but some, such as woodlice, are found on land.

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Barnacles are crustaceans that,


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