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OpenAI adalah laboratorium penelitan kecerdasan buatan yang terdiri atas perusahaan waralaba OpenAI LP dan perusahaan induk nirlabanya, OpenAI Inc. Para pendirinya (khususnya Elon Musk dan Sam Altman) terdorong oleh ketakutan mereka akan kemungkinan bahwa kecerdasan buatan dapat mengancam keberadaan manusia.

Sekelompok pendukung OpenAI telah berkomitmen untuk mendanai proyek ini senilai $1 miliar, mereka adalah Re Hoffman, Jessica Livingston, Peter Thiel, Greg Brockman, dan Sam Altman. Elon Musk mengundurkan diri dari dewan pada Februari 2018 tetapi tetap menjadi donor. Pada tahun 2019, OpenAI LP menerima investasi sebesar US$1 miliar dari Microsoft.

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Pada Desember 2015, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, dan para investor lainnya mengumumkan pembentukan OpenAI dan menjanjikan lebih dari US$1 miliar untuk usaha tersebut. Organisasi tersebut menyatakan bahwa mereka akan "berkolaborasi secara bebas" dengan institusi dan para peneliti lainnya dengan membuat paten dan penelitiannya terbuka untuk umum.

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Pada 5 Desember 2016, OpenAI merilis "Universe", sebuah platform perangkat lunak untuk mengukur dan melatih sebuah kecerdasan umum AI kecerdasan umum AI di seluruh pasokan permainan dunia, peramban dan aplikasi lainnya.

Pada Februari, 2018, Musk mengundurkan diri dari kursi dewannya, mengutip "potensi konflik di masa depan (kepentingan)" dengan pengembangan AI Tesla untuk mobil mengemudi sendiri, tapi tetap menjadi donatur .

Pada 2020, OpenAI mengumumkan GPT-3, sebuah model bahasa terlatih pada triliunan kata dari internet. Itu juga mengumumkan bahwa API terkait, diberi nama secara sederhana "the API", akan membentuk inti dari produk komersial pertamanya. GPT-3 ditargetkan pada bahasa alami menjawab sebuah pertanyaan, tetapi juga dapat menerjemahkan antar bahasa dan menghasilkan teks improvisasi secara koheren.

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Pada Januari 2021, OpenAI memperkenalkan DALL-E. Satu tahun kemudian, sistem terbaru mereka, DALL·E 2, menghasilkan gambar yang lebih realistis dan akurat dengan resolusi 4x lebih besar.

Beberapa ilmuwan, seperti Stephen Hawking dan Stuart Russell, telah mengartikulasikan kekhawatiran bahwa jika AI tingkat lanjut suatu hari nanti memperoleh kemampuan untuk mendesain ulang dirinya sendiri pada tingkat yang terus meningkat, sebuah "ledakan pengetahuan" yang tak terhentikan dapat menyebabkan kepunahan manusia. Musk mengkarakteristikkan AI sebagai "ancaman nyata terbesar" umat manusia

Pada 2019, OpenAI menjadi sebuah perusahaan berbayar bernama OpenAI LP untuk mengamankan pendanaan tambahan sambil tetap dikendalikan oleh organisasi nirlaba bernama OpenAI Inc dalam struktur yang disebut OpenAI "capped-profit",

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Strategi kontra-intuitif Musk dan Altman untuk mencoba untuk mengurangi resiko bahwa AI akan menyebabkan kerusakan keseluruhan, dengan memberika AI ke semua orang, kontroversial di antara mereka yang peduli dengan risiko eksistensial dari kecerdasan buatan. Filsuf Nick Bostrom skeptis dengan pendekatan Musk: "Jika Anda memiliki tombol yang dapat melakukan hal-hal buruk pada dunia, kamu tak ingin memberikannya ke semua orang."

Sebaliknya, Keputusan awal OpenAI untuk menahan GPT-2 karena keinginan untuk "err di sisi hati-hati" di hadapan potensi penyalahgunaan, telah dikritik oleh para pendukung keterbukaan. Delip Rao, seorang ahli di pembuatan teks, menyatakan "Saya tak berpikir [OpenAI] menghabiskan waktu yang cukup membuktikan [GPT-2] sebenarnya berbahaya." Kritikus lain berpendapat bahwa publikasi terbuka diperlukan untuk mereplikasi penelitian dan untuk dapat melakukan tindakan balasan.

Dalam perbandingan, pengeluaran total DeepMind pada 2017 jauh lebih besar, mengukur US$442 juta. Pada musim panas 2018, cukup melatih bot Dota 2 OpenAI yang diperlukan dengan menyewa 128.000 CPU dan 256 GPU dari Google selama beberapa minggu.

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Transisi dari perusahaan nirlaba ke perusahaan laba terbatas dipandang dengan skeptis oleh Oren Etzioni dari institusi nirlaba Allen for AI, yang setuju bahwa merayu peneliti top ke organisasi nirlaba itu sulit, tetapi menyatakan "Saya tak setuju dengan gagasan bahwa organisasi nirlaba tak dapat bersaing" dan menunjuk ke proyek-proyek beranggaran rendah yang sukses oleh OpenAI dan lainnya.

Gym bertujuan untuk menyediakan pengaturan yang mudah, tolok ukur kecerdasan umum dengan berbagai macam lingkungan yang berbeda—agak mirip dengan, tetapi lebih luas dari, Tantangan ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition digunakan dalam penelitian pembelajaran yang terarah—dan berharap untuk menstandarisasi cara di mana lingkungan definisikan dalam publikasi penelitian AI, sehingga penelitian yang dipublikasikan menjadi lebih mudah direproduksi.

Dirilis pada 2017, RoboSumo adalah sebuah dunia virtual yang dimana agen robot metalearning humano awalnya kurang pengetahuan tentang cara berjalan, tetapi diberi tujuan untuk belajar bergerak dan mendorong agen lawan keluar dari lingkaran.

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Melalui proses pembelajaran permusuhan ini, agen tersebut belajar bagaimana cara beradaptasi terhadap kondisi yang berubah-ubah; Saat sebuah agen dikeluarkan dari dunia virtual ini dan diletakan pada sebuah lingkungan virtual baru dengan angin yang besar, para agen bertahan untuk tetap tegak, menunjukkan bahwa ia telah belajar bagaimana menyeimbangkan secara umum.

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Igor Mordatch dari OpenAI berpendapat bahwa persaingan antar agen dapat menciptakan "perlombaan senjata" intelijen yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan agen untuk berfungsi, bahkan di luar konteks kompetisi.

Pada 2018, OpenAI meluncurkan Debate Game, yang mengajarkan mesin untuk memperdebatkan masalah mainan di depan hakim manusia. Tujuannya adalah untuk meniliti apakah pendekatan seperti itu dapat membantu dalam mengaudit keputusan AI dan dalam mengembangkan AI yang dapat dijelaskan.

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Dactyl menggunakan pemelajaran mesin untuk melatih sebuah Tangan Bayangan, sebuah tangan robot manusia, untuk memanipulasi objek fisik. Ini belajar sepenuhnya dalam simulasi menggunakan algoritma RL dan kode pelatihan yang sama seperti OpenAI Five. OpenAI menangani masalah orientasi objek dengan menggunakan pengacakan domain, sebuah pendekatan simulasi yang memaparkan pelajar pada berbagai pengalaman daripada mencoba menyesuaikan diri dengan kenyataan. Pengaturan untuk Dactyl, disampin dari mempunyai kamera pendeteksi gerakan, juga mempunyai kamera RGB memungkinkan untuk mengizinkan robot untuk memanipulasi sebuah objek sewenang-wenang dengan melihatnya. Pada 2018, OpenAI menunjukkan bahwa sistemnya dapat memanipulasi kubus dan prisma segi delapan.

Makalah asli tentang generative pre-training (GPT) dari model bahasa ditulis oleh Alec Radford dan rekan-rekan, dan diterbitkan dalam pracetak di situs web OpenAI pada 11 Juni, 2018.

Itu diperlihatkan bagaimana sebuah model generatif dapat memperoleh pengetahuan dunia dan memproses dependensi jangka panjang dengan pra-pelatihan pada beragam korpus dengan bentangan panjang teks yang berdekatan.

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Generative Pre-trained Transformer 2, umumnya dikenal dengan bentuk singkatannya GPT-2, adalah model bahasa transformator tanpa terarah dan penerus GPT. GPT-2 pertama kali di umumkan pada Februari 2019, dengan awalnya versi demonstrasi terbatas dirilis ke publik. Versi penuh dari GPT-2 tak segera dirilis karena khawatir akan potensi penyalahgunaan, termasuk penggunaan untuk menulis berita palsu.

Beberapa ahli menyatakan skeptis bahwa GPT-2 merupakan ancaman yang signifikan. Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence menanggapi GPT-2 dengan alat untuk mendeteksi "berita palsu saraf".

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Penulis GPT-2 berpendapat bahwa model bahasa tanpa pengawasan adalah pembelajar tujuan umum, di ilustrasikan oleh GPT-2 mencapai akurasi dan kebingungan yang canggih pada 7 dari 8 tugas zero-shot (contoh. modelnya tak dilatih lebih jauh pada contoh tugas masukan-keluaran spesifik apa pun). Korpus yang dilatihnya, disebut WebText, berisi lebih dari 8 juta dokumen dengan total 40 gigabita teks dari URL yang dibagikan dalam pengiriman Reddit dengan setaknya 3 suara positif. Itu menghindari masalah tertentu pengkodean kosa kata dengan token kata dengan menggunakan pengkodean pasangan bita. Ini memungkinkan untuk mewakili string karakter apa pun dengan menyandikan karakter indivu dan token multi-karakter.

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Transformer 3, biasanya dikenal dengan bentuk singkatannya GPT-3, adalah model bahasa pengubah tanpa pengawasan dan penerusnya GPT-2. Ini pertama kali dijelaskan pada Mei 2020.

OpenAI menyatakan bahwa GPT-3 berhasil pada tugas "meta-learning" tertentu. Ini dapat menggeneralisasi tujuan dari pasangan masukan-keluaran tunggal. Makalah ini memberikan contoh pembelajaran terjemahan dan transfer lintas bahasa antara bahasa Inggris dan Rumania, dan antara bahasa Inggris dan Jerman.

The Verge juga mengutip desas-desus bahwa itu akan secara substansial meningkatkan jumlah parameter dari GPT-3 (dari 175 miliar menjadi 100 triliun), yang digambarkan Altman sebagai "omong kosong total".

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ChatGPT adalah alat kecerdasan buatan yang menyediakan sebuah pembicaraan antarmuka yang mengizinkan pengguna untuk menanyakan pertanyakan dalam bahasa alami. Sistemnya kemudian merespons dengan jawaban dalam hitungan detik. ChatGPT diluncurkan pada November 2022 dan mencapai 1 juta pengguna hanya 5 hari setelah peluncuran awalnya.

ChatGPT Plus adalah layanan berlangganan $20/bulan yang memungkinkan pengguna mengakses ChatGPT selama jam sibuk, memberikan waktu respons yang lebih cepat, dan memberi pengguna akses awal ke fitur baru.

OpenAI's MuseNet (2019) adalah jaringan neural yang terlatih untuk memprediksi not musik berikutnya dalam file musik MI. Ini dapat membuat lagu dengan sepuluh instrumen berbeda dalam lima belas gaya berbeda. Menurut The Verge, sebuah musik dibuat oleh MuseNet cenderung memulai dengan wajar tetapi kemudian jatuh ke dalam kekacauan semakin lama dimainkan.

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How Will Openai's Whisper Model Impact Ai Applications?

OpenAI's Jukebox (2020) adalah algoritma sumber terbuka untuk menghasilkan musik dengan vokal. Setelah pelatihan pada 1.2 juta sampel, sistem menerima sebuah genre, artis, dan potongan lirik, dan menghasilkan sampel lagu. OpenAI menyatakan bahwa lagu "menunjukkan koherensi musik lokal, ikuti pola akord tradisional" tetapi mengakui bahwa lagu-lagunya kurang "struktur musik yang lebih besar seperti paduan suara yang berulang" dan bahwa "ada kesenjangan yang signifikan" antara Jukebox dan musik buatan manusia.

Whisper adalah model pengenalan suara penggunaan umum. Ini dilatih pada kumpulan data besar dari beragam audio dan juga merupakan model multi-tugas yang dapat melakukan pengenalan ucapan multibahasa serta terjemahan ucapan dan entifikasi bahasa.

Pada Juni 2020, OpenAI mengumumkan sebuah API multiguna yang katanya adalah "untuk mengakses model AI yang dikembangkan oleh OpenAI" untuk membiarkan pengembang memanggilnya untuk "tugas AI bahasa Inggris apa pun."

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Dirilis pada 2019, MuseNet adalah jaringan saraf dalam yang dilatih untuk memprediksi not musik berikutnya dalam file musik MI. ini dapat membuat lagu dengan sepuluh instrumen berbeda dalam lima belas gaya yang berbeda. Menurut pada The Verge, sebuah lagu yang dihasilkan oleh MuseNet cenderung dimulai dengan wajar tetapi kemudian jatuh ke dalam kekacauan jika semakin lama diputar.

Dalam budaya pop, penggunaan awal alat ini digunakan pada awal tahun 2020 untuk film thriller psikologis internet Ben Drowned untuk membuat musik untuk karakter tituler.

Dirilis pada 2020, Jukebox adalah sebuah algoritma sumber terbuka untuk membuat musik dengan vokal. Setelah dilatih pada 1.2

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Codrin is the Chief Marketing Officer at Digital Authority Partners. He has spent over a decade creating successful digital strategies for both Fortune 500 companies and startups. Expertise: Product Management, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Digital Transformation, Analytics, Marketing

Are your marketing strategies taking advantage of the massive leaps in technological innovation to reach your customers when—and where—it matters?  In the arms race that is modern marketing, failure to capitalize on advances in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence can result in customer engagement levels far behind your tech-enhanced competitors.

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For decades, the standard model for targeted advertising has been to find indicators of behavioral similarities (a subscription to a magazine in a particular subject matter, for example) and produce mass content that appeals to the perceived needs of your targeted demographic.  

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But in today’s hyper-personalized world, this “good for the goose, good for the gander” approach no longer cuts it. Yet, the human effort required to craft truly personalized, large-scale marketing and advertising has made it virtually impossible to target buyers with surgical-like precision.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, however, we now have the tools to do just this—making it easier than ever to find, connect with, and convert prospects.

Just as importantly, artificial intelligence is allowing for the streamlining of marketing processes, lifting the prohibitive costs that once impeded efforts to enhance 1:1 communication and individualized content.  

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In this article, we’ll cover the various ways companies are using artificial intelligence to improve both the precision and effectiveness of their marketing campaigns for better 1:1 communication, taking a glimpse into how AI will transform the way businesses interact with customers in the years to come.  

Artificial intelligence is a subset of computer science that revolves around creating software capable of learning and improving its performance over time. Though computers are very good at quickly gathering large volumes of data, knowing what to do with that information and how to use it to pursue of a specific goal has traditionally been reserved solely for the human mind.

In the 1950’s, computer scientists began searching for ways to create software capable of problem solving and mimicking the ways humans think. Early AI programs assisted with “simple” tasks such street mapping and, by 2003, the technology that would serve as the bedrock for cyber-helpers like Alexa or Siri had been put in place.

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Today, AI’s algorithms are able to continuously learn and adapt to various “inputs”—whether it be the human voice, x-ray images, or other forms of data. And the potential of AI to transform every part of business, from production to customer service, is enormous.

Companies are already using AI to track customer movement, predict demographic compatibility, anticipate purchases, and to provide top-tier customer service. In fact, through a variety of AI offshoots such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing (NLP), the technology is already responsible for powering the everyday technologies that we know and love, including Siri, Cortana, PayPal, Google Maps, and more.

This of course begs the question: If AI technology is so powerful, how can I use it to advance my company’s marketing strategy?

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With the introduction of AI, companies have gained the ability to not only interact directly with individuals, but to transform the data they leave behind into a blueprint of how to better serve them in the future.

As AI algorithms continue to evolve and advanced computational power becomes more commercially-available, companies are progressively increasing the role of artificial intelligence in their marketing strategies. Often used to interpret the messages lurking beneath oceans of data, artificial intelligence lends a key competitive edge by providing keen predictive insights to correctly anticipate the behavior of customers.

Predictive analytics uses vast quantities of data to forecast future outcomes. Companies such as Target have shone the spotlight on predictive analytics to masterfully predict the purchasing patterns of buyers. In fact, in 2012, the retailer made headlines when they were able to correctly predict the pregnancy of a teenager based off of her purchasing habits, before she had even discovered she was (unexpectedly) expecting.

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This incident reveals both the precision of the algorithms used by marketing companies, as well as the continued need for human oversight during the usage of these burgeoning technologies.

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Deep learning enables a computer to “learn” to recognize patterns in images, text, voice, and other data to extract valuable information. No conversation about the use of deep learning is complete without mentioning the way that social networking giant, Facebook, is employing a sophisticated object-recognition engine using user-submitted photos from Instagram.  

While the company asserts that the information gleaned isn’t being used to better understand user behavior, their recent open-sourcing of the platform opens up the gates to the possibility that other companies can leverage this predictive technology as well.

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It's not just mainstays of the tech industry, however, that are using artificial intelligence to enhance the customer experience. With the help of intelligent chatbots , companies are providing customers with intuitive, responsive, and dynamic 1:1 communication that addresses their needs and helps them identify helpful services.

Last year Shell, the multinational oil and gas company, introduced a new chatbot known as “Shelly” to help customers identify which enhancements are most effective for their vehicles.

Not only does Shelly assist with promoting 1:1 customer engagement for the brand, but, according to Mansi Madan Tripathy, Managing Director of Shell India, Shelly’s intelligent assignment of products reduces downtime, cutting customer operational costs by 25-30%.

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Tripathy also asserted that Shelly's use of sensor-driven data consolidation will enhance both the safety and operational efficiency of fleets that integrate the new technology into their company's physiology.  

As AI’s prevalence grows, so too will the expectations from customers that companies replicate the quality of service it provides. In the same way that businesses are expected to have websites, online shopping, and other omnichannel avenues for purchasing, customers will expect intuitive, relevant communication from companies.

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Moreover, the efficiency AI enables simply cannot be matched by humans. And even if humans could match their robo-brethren, the resource-intensive nature of this work favors companies that use the skills of their workers for non-programmable tasks.    

Jobs That Will Be Heavily Impacted By Ai (a 2023 Guide)

It’s necessary for modern marketers to begin exploring the various ways in which AI can advance their organizational objectives, and begin to actually use them. Waiting to adapt after an industry-wide paradigm shift can leave companies scrambling to catch up.

Companies are changing the way customers experience their brand, with the incorporation of intelligent chatbots, predictive analytics, and other personalized offerings providing more intuitive customer experiences.

Ultimately, customers will defer to companies that provide the most intuitive, valuable services at the lowest costs. Artificial intelligence will become the key tool that allows companies to not only meet their customers’ needs, but their own.

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We recently discussed how Shell is using chatbots to enhance their customers' experience. Let’s now take a look at how Shell, or any other company in the oil and gas industry, could continue to integrate AI into their marketing strategy to further optimize something used by most customers at least once a week: the gas station.

Many companies already offer customer incentives to encourage use of brand-specific cards, both at and away from the pump. These loyalty cards provide companies with an invaluable window into the behaviors of individual consumers, and the data generated by buyers often holds the key to predicting their future purchasing patterns.

In fact, AI has already demonstrated its ability to draw predictive insights from transactional data using sophisticated algorithms that far outperform previous marketing models.

What Is AI And Why Companies Use It? - Faceless Digital Artificial Intelligence Analyst

Artificial Intelligence (ai) Marketing: Everything You Need To Know

In the past, customers were targeted with advertisements that matched prior purchases with upcoming promotions (for example, people who had purchased from iTunes found themselves targeted with promotional materials for U2's newest album).

This new generation of AI-driven marketing technology, however, allows marketers to employ sophisticated algorithms that convert customer purchasing data into indicators of which actual products they may be interested in, bringing custom targeting to a whole new level.

British Bank HSBC , in partnership with Maritz Motivation Solutions, conducted a loyalty program experiment in which 75, 000 clients were sent rewards points that could be redeemed for a host of products and services. Some of the clients had their rewards plan generated by AI, while others used conventional promotional emails.  

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The results echoed an overwhelming preference for the AI-rendered suggestions. Roughly 70% of the participants who ultimately redeemed their rewards package preferred the robo-enhanced recommendations.

The research uncovered that AI-powered predictive analytics can be used to acquaint customers with what they want, before they even know it exists.

Even more astonishingly, voice-recognition software enhanced with sentiment analysis can be installed at gas station pumps to both assist clients with their orders and to detect their emotional state.

Ways To Prepare For The Future Of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

Depending on the emotions detected, screens at gas pumps could provide product recommendations that best suit a particular mood. Consequently, AI will enable marketers to surmount hurdles presented by the dissonances between their marketing strategy and their customers’ emotions.

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Similarly, voice-recognition software can be used to hasten the speed of customer orders, allowing for a faster flow of customer traffic. Instead of requiring clients to manually select the grade and quantity of gas they need, transactions could be expedited by implementing

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Michelle Briggs, a product manager at Scientific Games, talks about Wave XL cabinets with 4K resolution in the showroom at the company's offices in Las Vegas on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

A pair of James Bond themed slot cabinets are seen in the Scientific Games showroom in Las Vegas on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

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A variety of slot cabinets at the Scientific Games showroom in Las Vegas on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

TwinStar slot cabinets with a curved 75" display and 4K resolution at the Scientific Games showroom in Las Vegas on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

Michelle Briggs, a product manager at Scientific Games, talks about TwinStar cabinets with 4K resolution and a 75" display in the showroom at the company's offices in Las Vegas on Wednesday, May 15, 2019. (Chase Stevens/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @csstevensphoto

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Nick Khin, chief commercial officer at International Game Technology, demonstrates how the new technology, that's being incorporated into slot machines, works on Friday, May 3, 2019, in Las Vegas. (Bizuayehu Tesfaye/Las Vegas Review-Journal) @bizutesfaye

At Palace Station, Phillip Zamarron sits in front of the “Feathered Friends” slot machine, transfixed as cartoon images of birds, acorns and eggs spin across the screen.

The Albuquerque, New Mexico, native visits Las Vegas at least twice a year — it’s a chance to relax and possibly leave with a little extra cash. Over the last five years he’s made these trips, he said he’s noticed a transformation in slot machines. Compared to just a couple years ago, these machines are bigger, brighter, flashier and more convenient.

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“When I play an old game now, it’s so dull, ” he said. With new machines, he can order drinks and make dinner reservations right on the screen.

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“A slot machine nowadays is a pretty powerful computing device. It can do a lot more than just play the game it’s designed for, ” said Jim Barbee, who heads the Nevada Gaming Control Board’s technology division. “It’s really an exciting time in the tech space to see how it will be used here.”

Advancing technology in slot machines is paving the way for a better, more immersive experience for players — one that draws a wider variety of demographics and keeps people in their seat longer, industry insiders say.

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Many of the recent innovations have been focused on the display case. Almost all the cabinets in development incorporate 4K resolution, LED lights and improved sound quality.

Cathryn Lai, vice president of product management for Scientific Games Corp., said the display innovations really kicked off about five years ago, when the first curved cabinet was introduced.

The curved screen “takes the player almost inside the game, ” she said. “Before, you’d watch players crane their head to see all the way to the top.”

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Marcus Prater, executive director of the Association of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers, said the focus on a theatrical experience proved to be a success.

“It showed in hard dollars that hardware could drive additional revenue, ” he said. “Put a game on a waved, curved screen cabinet, and the win per day increased significantly, with the only difference being the hardware.”

Gaming Arts - Digital Art Zone Casino Games Slots Slots

According to March data from the Control Board, slot machines made up about 66 percent of the total amount won by casinos against players. In all, casinos collected more than $1 billion in gaming win that month.

Gsn Casino: Slot Machine Games

Slot revenue has remained relatively flat over the past decade, but there has been a slight uptick in recent years; March slot revenue climbed about 5 percent from a year earlier.

Prater said casinos would like that revenue to grow even faster. “We have to keep innovating, or we risk losing this revenue that obviously drives our entire state, ” he said. “I think that focus has never been sharper.”

“You want people playing as long as they can, so you provide them an enjoyable experience so they play longer, ” she said.

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But the games are competing for attention more than ever. With interest in mobile gaming and nongaming attractions growing, slot machine manufacturers are doing all they can to attract players.

“Gaming is now available in many places. You can do it on your phone. You can do it on your iPad, ” Lai said. “We try to get players to leave their home and come to the casino. You have to differentiate yourself and really bring value to the player.”

Angelo Palmisano, vice president of strategy and innovation at slot machine manufacturer Aristocrat, said the industry is trying to incorporate technology that reaches a wider range of demographics.

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Take Aristocrat’s “Madonna” game, which will hit casino floors soon. The game is based on the singer’s 1980s hits and invites players to sing along karaoke-style.

“It’s just a way to engage a slot player that isn’t about winning or losing at that moment, ” said Jon Hanlin, vice president of gaming operations at Aristocrat.

And with easy-to-use products from technology giants like Google, Amazon and Apple in almost everyone’s hands, Palmisano said slot manufacturers have to keep up with other industries.

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“The patron’s expecting a seamless experience wherever they go, whether it’s a casino floor or they’re going to the bank, ” he said.

“We’re accustomed to using our personal device to handle everything from paying our bills to ordering pizza to setting the temperature in the house, ” Barbee said. “I think we’re going to see a lot more interaction between our personal device and slot machines.”

A cashless option is also on the horizon, according to Nick Khin, chief commercial officer of gaming for slot machine manufacturer International Game Technology.

Las Vegas Slots

The technology would let players use a mobile wallet at slots. Players could transfer cash to the wallet within the casino or connect it to prepaid, credit or debit cards. Holding a smartphone by a sensor on the machine would let users log into their account and transfer money straight to the game.

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Players who win money could use it at the buffet or nightclub. Khin said this saves players time and lets them skip fees and lines at ATMs and is a safer alternative to carrying hundreds of dollars in cash.

Lai said this could help make the machines attractive to younger people,

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recommended canvas size for digital art photography editing software software

recommended canvas size for digital art photography editing software software

It’s easy to walk into an art store, see a canvas that will fit on that empty spot of the wall and know it’s the canvas you need. But, what about digital art? The canvas looks like it’s the size of my screen, whether it’s small or large. It’s so easy to choose the wrong sizing and make a mistake. So, the question is, what’s a good canvas size for digital art?

For printed work, your digital art canvas should be the same size as your desired final print. Use an inch to pixel converter to find your dimensions in pixels. The size of your canvas designed for the web depends on the platform you plan to display it on. The DPI of your canvas should be at least 150 for web work and 300 for print work.

Best Canvas Size And Resolution For Digital Art - Recommended Canvas Size For Digital Art Photography Editing Software Software

If you plan to print your work, it really is as simple as choosing a canvas that’s the size of your desired final product. So, if you eventually want to print an 8×10 print, make your canvas 8×10.

How To Make Digital Art

If I’m unsure what size I want my final print to be, I take some time and figure it out. That’s how much I care about choosing the right canvas size from the get-go.

To be fair, there have been a few times when I’ve jumped into a piece of art without knowing the exact sizing first. In those case, I aim for a larger canvas than I think I’ll need. Generally, I find it easier to scale my work down when printing, than scaling it up.

This is not always the case so, again, try to figure out your ideal canvas size ahead of time before you get started.

The Best Drawing Apps And Digital Art Apps For Every Skill Level

Also, it’s important that you DON’T resize your canvas after you’ve created it. This can cause issues with quality, sizing, and overall results. So, again, decide on your canvas size from the get-go before you get started.

We have to think about DPI, which will change the size of your canvas, even if you’re still aiming for an 8×10 print at the end of the day.

Not to mention that it becomes more complicated when thinking about digitally displaying your work. How the heck do we know the size of Instagram posts?

How To Photograph Your Artwork For Reproduction On Society6 Products

Later in this post, we’ll talk about what you need to consider when choosing a DPI for your canvas and how it impacts its size. That said, if you couldn’t care less about how all of this works and just want a clear answer on what size canvas you should pick for your digital art, I totally get it.

Here’s a chart you can use. These dimensions are based on 300 DPI, which is generally considered to be the minimum DPI for print work. And, as we’ll talk about more in depth in the next section, choose a larger size if you’re not exactly sure what size you’ll want or need.

You’ll notice more quality loss when you scale a small image to a larger size than when you scale a large image to a smaller size. You still want to be in the ballpark, but be in the larger end of the ballpark.

Digital Painting Landscape Photo Studies

Ok, another thing that’s important to understand is DPI. It’s really easy to get confused by DPI since it seems to magically balloon your canvas size. There’s a reason for it though and it doesn’t actually impact your canvas size in the way you would think.

DPI stands for dots per inch. As the name suggests, it tells you how many dots can fit into an inch of printed work (source). So, the larger the DPI, the more dots of ink will be in each inch of your printed final product.

In general, all printed work should be a minimum of 300 DPI, but you can go higher if you plan to print posters and larger pieces of work.

How To Turn Any Photo Into An Oil Painting

If you change your DPI after you’ve entered in your pixels, it will change your pixel number. The reason for this is because DPI (or PPI) measures your dots per inch. So, if you increase it, your canvas will need more pixels to get the job done.

What's A Good Canvas Size For Digital Art? - Recommended Canvas Size For Digital Art Photography Editing Software Software

As long as you know the desired size of your final product and maintain a minimum of 300 DPI, you can let your design program decide what your pixel x pixel resolution will be. As you saw in the chart above, your inch x inch size relates to a specific pixel x pixel size, so you’ll be fine as long as you know one or the other.

Pixels and inches are just two different ways to measure something. One will always translate to the other as long as the DPI remains consistent.

The Best Digital Art Frames You Can Buy In 2021

It’s much easier to know that you want a 8 x 10” print than a 2400 x 300 pixel canvas. As long as you have your DPI set correctly, your design program will pick the appropriate amount of pixels for the inches you need.

The reverse works as well. If you only know the pixels you need, your design program will turn it into the proper inches.

Personally, I just set my design to 300 DPI and just go with whatever number I already know. If I’m designing for the web, I use the pixels that are appropriate for a website. If I’m designing for print, I use the inches that I’ll be printing at. The rest just works itself out.

Buyer's Guide To Creating The Best Canvas Prints — Mixbook Inspiration

Unless you’re designing a billboard, you probably won’t have to worry about creating a canvas so big that your design program can’t handle it. That said, it’s an important thing to keep in mind, since the maximum size for a design varies from iPad to iPad.

It’s hard to say what the max canvas sizes for varying programs are because it will depend on the DPI . In general, many programs can tolerate a certain number of pixels per design. Remember that the higher your DPI, the more pixels you’ll need. This means that you’ll get fewer inches of canvas space the higher your DPI is.

Best Canvas Sizes To Use In Photoshop - Recommended Canvas Size For Digital Art Photography Editing Software Software

It’s more likely you’ll run into this issue with an iPad or tablet program because there is only so much that these small devices can support. For example, if you’re using Procreate, you might struggle to get a 24 x 36” poster size at 300 DPI.

The Best Digital Art Software For Creatives In 2022

If you run into issues with maxing out your design program’s capacity, lower the DPI as much as you feel comfortable lowering it. While 300 DPI is recommended for print, anything above 150 DPI tends to print well. Talk with your printer and do a test print to see how low you can get your DPI while still getting the best print results.

If you plan to post your art on social media platforms, it can be good to review their image guidelines prior to deciding on your canvas size.

Choosing the right canvas size for your digital art is more complicated than walking into an art store and picking the canvas that will fill the blank spot on your wall. With some practice though, it will come easily and naturally.

Ways To Do Digital Art On Your Phone

Simply choose your DPI and then size your canvas based upon what you’ll need as a final product. Luckily, with the magic of technology, our design programs will take it from there and deliver you the digital canvas that you need.

Diana has been an artist for over 26 years and has training in drawing, painting, digital drawing and graphic design. Diana’s latest obsession is digitally drawing with Procreate and creating t-shirt designs with Canva. Diana has experience selling her art across a number of platforms and loves helping other artists learn how to make money from their art as well.

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How To Choose A Canvas Size In ArtRage - Recommended Canvas Size For Digital Art Photography Editing Software Software

The Best Canvas Size For Instagram Digital Art And How To Create The Perfect Image

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A Design Of The M Health Application For Art Therapy

jason naylor digital art for salesforce attorney

jason naylor digital art for salesforce attorney

The print is titled BLOOM, and this design reflects our growth over the past 2 years during the pandemic, and how in this “spring” of our lives, we are ready to bloom, blossom and emerge as our best, most colorful selves. Through love, patience, and positivity, we’ve grown, we’ve evolved and we are filled with life. And this print will be your reminder of the blooming new you!

The print will drop on the @ntwrk app, I will be going live to talk about it a bit, as well as hand embellish a few of these with spray paint, and you’ll be able to purchase right ton the app. I will leave a link in my bio to get the NTWRK app if you need it!

NFTS — JASON NAYLOR - Jason Naylor Digital Art For Salesforce Attorney

HUEMOTIONS physical painting - 18 x 24 Spraypaint on paper. This painting will be given to a randomly selected person who collects on the first day. Will use a random number generator and the more HUEMOTIONS you own, the better your chances.

Jason Naylor: 7 Best Nyc Secret Spots By A Multitalented Artist

Shout out to my assistant @jessie.salinas for this dope custom jacket! Multi-talented, big hearted human- honored to have you on my team. 💞 — view on Instagram

Mural for the Jersey City Mural Festival last year with @manapublicarts. Saw it yesterday with this beautiful blanket of snow. Felt so great to see my work looking so bright and colorful on this wall, and I was filled with gratitude for all my blessings…

The meaning of this mural can summed up with this phrase, “THERE IS NOTHING WE CANT DO WHEN WE PUT OUR HANDS TOGETHER!”

Nfts — Jason Naylor

Ok, last week I asked you all about Valentines Day prints and asked you to choose which image I should do for the print! SOOooo, this is the winner. This is what (MOST) of you chose :)

OK so this will be my first print of 2022! I do not foresee doing another print until late spring or summer, so if you’ve wanted a proper print, now is your chance!

Last year I got a message from @izzywheels asking if I’d like to collaborate and design some wheel covers for them. I was over the moon, as I had seen other designs they had done, and artists they had worked with, and I knew what an honor it was to be involved.

Beauty Between The Lines: Jason Naylor's First Solo Exhibition

Even bigger than that though, I was so excited to be able to use my work to do something good for the the world, to make a difference, and to help others.

Its always an honor to be amongst my heroes in these moments, but to be completely honest, the biggest treasure of all is knowing my work is being used to make the world a better place.

The absence of color is not the absence of emotion. Black symbolizes power, and white purity. Amazing how the contrast of power and purity is so dynamic… #huemotions — view on Instagram

A Bold Mix Of Graffiti Art And Digital Illustration With Jason Naylor

Valentines Day is coming up, and I haven’t released a print for a while… SO I will be dropping a print on Valentines Day! It will be an 18 x 24 print, signed, and potentially hand embellished…

I have been working on some new things and would be excited to do this print, obviously it is based on OPN HEART - but it is a visual exploration of some of the traditional gifts given for Valentines to those we love… FLOWERS…

GM! Happy Friday! Here’s to all who are using your imaginations, your creativity and your dreams to make the world a brighter place 🌞 — view on Instagram

Meet Jason Naylor

Life is a roller coaster, and some are up when you might be down. The world is CRAZY RN and it seems like it’s just exploding even more every day. Whats going on in my head may be wayyyy different than what’s in yours…

 - Jason Naylor Digital Art For Salesforce Attorney

Empathy enables us to understand what others feel and see things from their point of view. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. The ability to relate….

Empathy leads to compassion - when you recognize and relate to someone who may be down, it can spark desire to help or bring them up… compassion is the action you take when you feel empathetic to someone.

Jason Naylor Creative

Ultimately what this means IMO is that with a little empathy, and a little compassion, we can be a better version of TOGETHER. We can see and be seen, hear and be heard. TOGETHER we can be a better group, better community, a better world.GM (good morning) is a term commonly used in the NFT community. It’s something I’ve really come to love, as it appears at the beginning of peoples tweets and posts very regularly (regardless of the time of day) and represents an ongoing state of positivity and unity amongst artists and collectors in the space. It connects people around the world in every time zone with a universal phrase and sentiment.

I love how internet slang / acronyms are so prevalent in our speech, especially in captions and writing, not only because of the brevity, but because they create community. People using similar terms and phrases feel like they belong and its powerful these little things can connect us…

Happy International Women’s Day!! Sending love, respect and admiration to all the women in my life! ❤️‍🔥 — view on Instagram

Jason Naylor Beauty Trend Illustrations

✨sometimes we hold on to things for fear of change when we really should just let gooooo…. 🦋 — view on Instagram

OMG OMG OMG after long last, SOCKS!!! I am so over the moon to announce my collaboration with @palssocks, and I could not be more proud of these crazy socks!

 - Jason Naylor Digital Art For Salesforce Attorney

Pals is all about expressing yourself with your feet and each sock has its own design. My designs all coordinate with each other, but each one represents a personality type… Shy, Outgoing, Silly, Serious, Party animal and Planner. And the beauty of it all is that people come in all shapes and sizes, and we all have our own special personality traits and characteristics, and TOGETHER we complement one another to make a harmonious culture of beautiful humans. My socks do just that - complement one another to make harmony!

The socks are on pre-order RN and you can get the whole set as a bundle - the link is in my bio! They come in ALL sizes - so you can get them for your kids AND yourself. I mean lets face it, these are really for the kid in you anyway, and as I always say, Don’t wear your heart on your sleeve, wear it on your FEET!

Please watch out tomorrow for more about the socks, I’ll make a video talking about them AND SHOW THEM OFF on my own feet!

It was so great working with the team from MotherShip, I had such a fabulous weekend with everyone, met lots of new people, friends, and artists and feel so blessed.

This mural is based on the print I did with MotherShip. We did a giveaway while I was painting and had about 30 people come out and visit me while I was painting. Thank you all for coming to see me! Special shout out to my new friend Riley who came all the way from Maryland (with her amazing Dad) to watch me paint! MUCH LOVE RILEY!

Today at 6 PM at MOTHERSHIP TOY GALLERY (314 E Girard Ave) showing off my hand painted toys and a new print! The toys will be on sale on !

ALSO I am painting a mural all day at 2434 E Gordon St. Please come see meeeee! First 10 people who arrive at 3PM will get a FREE signed print (edition of 30)

 - Jason Naylor Digital Art For Salesforce Attorney

We do not support violence. We are for peace. Love is the answer. My heart goes out to those who are scared and unsafe today. 💞 — view on Instagram

It all begins here. Respect yourself. Respect your family. Respect your community. Respect those who see the world differently. Respect their differences. Respect the process. Respect the big picture. RESPECT. ✊ — view on Instagram

Its Random Acts of Kindness Day!!! A beautiful day to be a alive and to do random things for others today! An act of Kindness has a ripple effect that can change your day and the world around you… think about that today as you live your life! KINDNESS MATTERS ✨ — view on Instagram

Finished murals for for @insideverizon at the Phoenix Open! These walls are part of a campaign titled, “A call for Kindness, ” which is designed to help raise awareness of the importance of KINDNESS.

You know how hyped I was to do this wall, and of course a huge thanks and shout out to the team at @insideverizon! You guys are the best! It was so wonderful to work with you, and spend time together on this mission.

I feel so thankful to be able to do projects like this that align with my own mission and ethos and it’s amazing how well these projects go when we all share common goals.

I hope you all had a great Valentines Day! Thank you

 - Jason Naylor Digital Art For Salesforce Attorney